D. Organisation
The research activities will be conducted in two WG’s. Sub WG’s will be formed when and if the number of researchers exceeds a certain threshold in one of the research areas defined in the Scientific Programme.
The participants will be strongly encouraged for close cooperation. Organisation of seminars, workshops and other scientific activities will be used as vehicles for this purpose. Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSM) will be effectively used to promote joint projects. The Action will play an important role in encouraging the young researchers to develop abilities for team work and for the exchange of information between the different groups of specialists so as to work with deadlines for the timely completion of the work.
Close relations will be established with other programmes and standardisation bodies, e.g., ETSI, in similar fields. Cross-participation to Action meetings and to scientific activities will be encouraged between the relevant COST Actions, e.g, COST 273, for closer cooperation. Industrial participation to the Action will be strongly supported.